115+ Commonly Used Verbs That Start With P

Verbs that start with “P” are action words that convey movement, state, or occurrence, all beginning with the letter “P.” These verbs play a vital role in constructing meaningful sentences, whether in daily conversations, storytelling, or professional writing. From powerful verbs like “persuade” and “proclaim” to simple yet effective ones like “play” and “push,” these words add depth and clarity to communication. Understanding and using a wide range of “P” verbs can enhance both written and spoken language, making it more engaging and impactful.

Packed with potential, verbs beginning with “P” bring precision and power to language. They paint vivid pictures in storytelling, express emotions with passion, and drive actions with purpose. Whether crafting compelling narratives, delivering persuasive speeches, or simply making conversations more dynamic, these verbs inject life into every sentence. The right “P” verbs can elevate writing and speech, turning ordinary phrases into captivating expressions that command attention.

From poetic expressions like “ponder” and “praise” to commanding actions like “perform” and “prohibit,” the versatility of “P” verbs is truly remarkable. Whether you’re a writer seeking to refine your prose, a student expanding your vocabulary, or a speaker aiming for more impactful communication, mastering these verbs is essential. Exploring 115+ commonly used “P” verbs will not only boost linguistic skills but also enhance creativity, making language more precise, expressive, and engaging.

Common Verbs That Start With P

115+ Commonly Used Verbs That Start With P
Common Verbs That Start With P

Here’s a comprehensive list of verbs starting with P, along with their definitions and example sentences.

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1. Action Verbs (Physical & Mental Actions)

These verbs describe actions, either physical or mental.

VerbDefinitionExample Sentence
PaddleTo move through water using hands or a paddleShe paddled the canoe across the lake.
ParadeTo march or move in a showy mannerThe soldiers paraded through the streets.
PackTo put items into a containerShe packed her suitcase for the trip.
PounceTo jump or attack suddenlyThe cat pounced on the toy mouse.
PropelTo push forwardThe wind propelled the boat across the lake.
PerformTo carry out an action or taskThe magician performed an amazing trick.
PunchTo hit with a closed fistHe punched the punching bag with force.
PluckTo pull something quicklyShe plucked a flower from the garden.
PlowTo turn over soil with a plowThe farmer plowed the field before planting.
PummelTo hit repeatedlyThe boxer pummeled his opponent.
PatrolTo monitor or guard an areaSecurity officers patrol the mall at night.

2. Stative Verbs (States, Thoughts, Emotions, Relationships)

These verbs describe a state rather than an action and are not usually used in continuous tenses.

VerbDefinitionExample Sentence
PerceiveTo become aware of somethingShe perceived a strange noise outside.
PossessTo own or haveHe possesses a rare coin collection.
PreferTo like one thing more than anotherI prefer tea over coffee.
PresumeTo assume something to be trueI presumed she had already left.
PromiseTo make a commitmentHe promised to call me later.
PredictTo say what will happen in the futureScientists predict heavy rainfall next week.
ProclaimTo announce something officiallyThe mayor proclaimed a new holiday.
PonderTo think deeplyHe pondered over the meaning of life.

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3. Irregular Verbs (Non-standard Past Tense Forms)

These verbs do not follow regular past tense rules.

VerbPast TensePast ParticipleDefinitionExample Sentence
PayPaidPaidTo give money in exchangeShe paid for her groceries.
PleadPled/PleadedPled/PleadedTo beg or request earnestlyHe pleaded for another chance.
PutPutPutTo place something somewhereShe put the book on the sh

4. Phrasal Verbs (Verb + Preposition)

These verbs consist of a main verb + preposition/adverb, creating a new meaning.

Phrasal VerbDefinitionExample Sentence
Pass awayTo dieHis grandfather passed away last year.
Pass outTo faint or lose consciousnessShe passed out from exhaustion.
Pass downTo give something to the next generationThis ring was passed down for generations.
Pay backTo return money owedHe paid back the loan on time.
Pay offTo settle a debt or achieve successHis hard work finally paid off.
Pick upTo collect or improveShe picked up her daughter from school.
Point outTo indicate or highlightHe pointed out a mistake in the report.
Put offTo delay somethingThey put off the meeting until Monday.
Put onTo wear clothingShe put on her new dress.
Put up withTo tolerate something unpleasantI can’t put up with the noise anymore.

5. Professional & Business Verbs

These verbs are often used in work, business, and communication contexts.

VerbDefinitionExample Sentence
ProposeTo suggest a plan or ideaShe proposed a new strategy to the team.
PromoteTo support or advertiseThe company promoted its latest product.
PresentTo show or introduceHe presented his findings in the meeting.
ProcessTo handle or deal withThe bank processes loan applications.
ProvideTo supply or make availableThe company provides health benefits.
PartnerTo collaborate or work togetherThey partnered with a global brand.

6. Sports & Physical Activity Verbs

These verbs relate to sports, exercise, and movement.

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VerbDefinitionExample Sentence
PaddleTo row or move through waterHe paddled across the river.
PitchTo throw a ball in baseballThe player pitched a fastball.
PedalTo push the pedals of a bicycleShe pedaled up the hill.
PunchTo strike with a fistThe boxer punched his opponent.

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7. Cooking & Food-Related Verbs

These verbs are commonly used in cooking and food preparation.

VerbDefinitionExample Sentence
PeelTo remove the outer layer of somethingShe peeled the potatoes before boiling.
PourTo transfer liquidHe poured the juice into the glass.
PickleTo preserve in vinegarThey pickled cucumbers last summer.

Positive Verbs That Start With P

115+ Commonly Used Verbs That Start With P
Positive Verbs That Start With P

Using positive language has a positive impact on conversations and written communication. Here are some uplifting verbs starting with P:

  • Praise – to express approval or admiration
  • Prosper – to thrive or succeed
  • Promote – to support or encourage progress
  • Provide – to supply or give something helpful
  • Protect – to keep safe from harm
  • Progress – to move forward or improve
  • Persuade – to convince in a positive way
  • Participate – to take part in an activity
  • Persevere – to persist despite challenges
  • Prepare – to make ready for success
  • Pacify – to calm or bring peace
  • Play – to engage in fun or creative activities
  • Pay – to reward or compensate fairly
  • Partner – to collaborate for a common goal
  • Perceive – to understand or become aware of

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Example Sentences Using P Verbs in Different Contexts

Daily Conversations:

  • “I need to purchase groceries before the store closes.”
  • “Can you pass me the salt?”

Business Settings:

  • “Our company aims to partner with global brands.”
  • “We must plan a new marketing strategy.”

Creative Writing:

  • “The hero plotted his escape from the dungeon.”
  • “She painted the sunset with vibrant colors.”

Fun Activities to Teach P Verbs to Kids

Teaching kids new words can be exciting and interactive. Here are some creative techniques to introduce verbs starting with P:

Picture Sorting

  • Show images of actions (e.g., painting, playing) and have kids match them with the correct verb.


  • Let kids draw an action while others guess the verb starting with P.

Puzzle & Matching Games

  • Use word and image cards for an engaging memory game.

Alphabet Hunt

  • Challenge kids to find objects that relate to a P verb (e.g., “playground” for “play”).

Popping Phonemes

  • Have kids say a P verb aloud while clapping out syllables.

Puppet Show

  • Use puppets to act out P verbs, enhancing storytelling and role-playing.

These activities help children develop language skills while having fun.

Verbs start with “P”

How to Identify a P Verb in a Sentence

To spot a verb starting with P in a sentence, follow these steps:

  1. Look at the action in the sentence. Example: “She paints beautifully.” The action word is “paints.”
  2. Check if the word changes tense. Example: “They performed well yesterday.” (Past tense of perform.)
  3. Identify helping verbs. Example: “I am planning a trip.” Here, “planning” is the main verb.

By recognizing these patterns, you can improve communication and refine grammar skills.


Verbs that start with “P” are powerful tools for better communication. They help in expressing actions, emotions, and ideas with clarity. Whether you want to “persuade” someone, “praise” a friend, or “plan” your goals, these verbs make your sentences stronger. Using a variety of “P” verbs can improve writing, speaking, and storytelling, making language more engaging and effective.

Exploring verbs that start with “P” will expand your vocabulary and make your expressions more creative. These words bring energy and precision to conversations, essays, and speeches. Whether you’re a student, writer, or speaker, learning these verbs will help you communicate with confidence. Keep practicing and using different “P” verbs to make your language richer and more impactful.


Q1: What are the most commonly used verbs that start with P?
Some frequently used verbs starting with P include paint, play, plan, promote, pursue, push, publish, participate, and perform. These words are widely used in daily conversations and writing.

Q2: How can I use P verbs to improve my vocabulary?
Using P verbs in different sentence structures, pairing them with adverbs, and practicing through writing exercises can enhance your vocabulary and boost creativity in communication.

Q3: Are there any positive verbs that start with P?
Yes! Positive verbs like praise, prosper, protect, progress, and persevere can have a positive impact in writing and speech by conveying encouragement and motivation.

Q4: What are some fun ways to teach kids verbs that start with P?
Engaging activities like Pictionary, puppet shows, puzzles, and alphabet hunts can help children learn P verbs while improving their language skills.

Q5: How do I identify a verb in a sentence?
A verb describes an action, state, or occurrence. To identify one, look for the word that shows what the subject is doing, and check if it changes tense (e.g., “play” → “played”).

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